Thursday, October 28, 2010

B-R@d's YouTube Highlight List

Hitler's Reaction to the i-Pad

The first YouTube Collaborative Movie     The actual movie

Noah's Daily Photos

Dancing on TreadMills

Crazy Cats

The movie is a parody on Spanish soap operas, called "novelas."  I am married to a Latina, so this is absolutely hilarious for me (and I speak Spanish...).  Ok, the Tortuga n' Periquit guys are crazy, but they are right.  Even if the movie is nuts, this effort was huge for the YouTube community.  Collaboration is something that YouTube videos lack, in the sense of artistic ideas put out there and worked on together.  Now, obviously, people's idea of art really varies (I see this point clearer and clearer everytime I watch this video).  Nonetheless, it is an area that could really grow.  I also saw a Harry Potter Puppet show with vocal rhythms.  The storyline was practically non-existent, but it was artistic. I really like the idea of doing a short story through YouTube.  One person can focus on the  video, another the audio, another the story, and we can all read the parts.  Or, we can film ourselves or other people, each of us doing a short scene.

Regardless of how our projects turn out, I have definitely learned a lot about YouTube, people (this part mostly scares me :D, and collaboration.  Anyway, I welcome your comments.  I hope you enjoy the videos I pulled off.  It was very difficult to filter through the videos and find videos that were funny and collaborative.  There is no search filter that really works so I spent at least 4-5 hours going through videos.  This was the best I could find.  By the way, I saw my first two-million dollar bra in the process...I know...what...?  Victoria've done it again !!!

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